Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Principles of Management

Fayol developed theory of management. According to him managerial excellence is a technically ability and can be acquired. He developed theories and principles of management which are universally accepted and make him universalistic. He was pioneer of the formal education in management. Fayol's principles of management meet the requirements of modern management. Henry Fayol, a french industrialist, offered fourteen principles of management for the first time in 1916. During the period of 1920-40 in the U. S. many authors did hard work in developing and testing various principles of management.Today, there is a very lengthy list of management principles and it is not possible to give an exhaustive lot of these management principles. Here, we are giving some important principles of management. The 14 Management Principles from Henri Fayol (1841-1925) are: 1. Division of Work. Specialization allows the individual to build up experience, and to continuously improve his skills. Thereby he can be more productive. 2. Authority and Responsibility. The right to issue commands, along with which must go the balanced responsibility for its function. 3. Discipline.Employees must obey, but this is two-sided: employees will only obey orders if management plays their part by providing good leadership. 4. Unity of Command. Each worker should have only one boss with no other conflicting lines of command. 5. Unity of Direction. People engaged in the same kind of activities must have the same objectives in a single plan. This is essential to ensure unity and coordination in the enterprise. Unity of command does not exist without unity of direction but does not necessarily flows from it. 6. Subordination of individual interest (to the general interest).Management must see that the goals of the firms are always paramount. 7. Remuneration. Payment is an important motivator although by analyzing a number of possibilities, Fayol points out that there is no such thing as a perfect syste m. 8. Centralization and Decentralization. This is a matter of degree depending on the condition of the business and the quality of its personnel. 9. Scalar chain (Line of Authority). A hierarchy is necessary for unity of direction. But lateral communication is also fundamental, as long as superiors know that such communication is taking place.Scalar chain refers to the number of levels in the hierarchy from the ultimate authority to the lowest level in the organization. It should not be over-stretched and consist of too-many levels. 10. Order. Both material order and social order are necessary. The former minimizes lost time and useless handling of materials. The latter is achieved through organization and selection. 11. Equity. In running a business a ‘combination of kindliness and justice' is needed. Treating employees well is important to achieve equity. 12. Stability of use of Personnel. Employees work better if job security and career progress are assured to them.An inse cure tenure and a high rate of employee turnover will affect the organization adversely. 13. Initiative. Allowing all personnel to show their initiative in some way is a source of strength for the organization. Even though it may well involve a sacrifice of ‘personal vanity' on the part of many managers. 14. Spirit of Co-operation (spirit de corps). Management must foster the morale of its employees. He further suggests that: â€Å"real talent is needed to coordinate effort, encourage keenness, use each person's abilities, and reward each one's merit without arousing possible jealousies and disturbing harmonious relations. â€Å" Principles of Management Fayol developed theory of management. According to him managerial excellence is a technically ability and can be acquired. He developed theories and principles of management which are universally accepted and make him universalistic. He was pioneer of the formal education in management. Fayol's principles of management meet the requirements of modern management. Henry Fayol, a french industrialist, offered fourteen principles of management for the first time in 1916. During the period of 1920-40 in the U. S. many authors did hard work in developing and testing various principles of management.Today, there is a very lengthy list of management principles and it is not possible to give an exhaustive lot of these management principles. Here, we are giving some important principles of management. The 14 Management Principles from Henri Fayol (1841-1925) are: 1. Division of Work. Specialization allows the individual to build up experience, and to continuously improve his skills. Thereby he can be more productive. 2. Authority and Responsibility. The right to issue commands, along with which must go the balanced responsibility for its function. 3. Discipline.Employees must obey, but this is two-sided: employees will only obey orders if management plays their part by providing good leadership. 4. Unity of Command. Each worker should have only one boss with no other conflicting lines of command. 5. Unity of Direction. People engaged in the same kind of activities must have the same objectives in a single plan. This is essential to ensure unity and coordination in the enterprise. Unity of command does not exist without unity of direction but does not necessarily flows from it. 6. Subordination of individual interest (to the general interest).Management must see that the goals of the firms are always paramount. 7. Remuneration. Payment is an important motivator although by analyzing a number of possibilities, Fayol points out that there is no such thing as a perfect syste m. 8. Centralization and Decentralization. This is a matter of degree depending on the condition of the business and the quality of its personnel. 9. Scalar chain (Line of Authority). A hierarchy is necessary for unity of direction. But lateral communication is also fundamental, as long as superiors know that such communication is taking place.Scalar chain refers to the number of levels in the hierarchy from the ultimate authority to the lowest level in the organization. It should not be over-stretched and consist of too-many levels. 10. Order. Both material order and social order are necessary. The former minimizes lost time and useless handling of materials. The latter is achieved through organization and selection. 11. Equity. In running a business a ‘combination of kindliness and justice' is needed. Treating employees well is important to achieve equity. 12. Stability of use of Personnel. Employees work better if job security and career progress are assured to them.An inse cure tenure and a high rate of employee turnover will affect the organization adversely. 13. Initiative. Allowing all personnel to show their initiative in some way is a source of strength for the organization. Even though it may well involve a sacrifice of ‘personal vanity' on the part of many managers. 14. Spirit of Co-operation (spirit de corps). Management must foster the morale of its employees. He further suggests that: â€Å"real talent is needed to coordinate effort, encourage keenness, use each person's abilities, and reward each one's merit without arousing possible jealousies and disturbing harmonious relations. â€Å" Principles of Management Fayol developed theory of management. According to him managerial excellence is a technically ability and can be acquired. He developed theories and principles of management which are universally accepted and make him universalistic. He was pioneer of the formal education in management. Fayol's principles of management meet the requirements of modern management. Henry Fayol, a french industrialist, offered fourteen principles of management for the first time in 1916. During the period of 1920-40 in the U. S. many authors did hard work in developing and testing various principles of management.Today, there is a very lengthy list of management principles and it is not possible to give an exhaustive lot of these management principles. Here, we are giving some important principles of management. The 14 Management Principles from Henri Fayol (1841-1925) are: 1. Division of Work. Specialization allows the individual to build up experience, and to continuously improve his skills. Thereby he can be more productive. 2. Authority and Responsibility. The right to issue commands, along with which must go the balanced responsibility for its function. 3. Discipline.Employees must obey, but this is two-sided: employees will only obey orders if management plays their part by providing good leadership. 4. Unity of Command. Each worker should have only one boss with no other conflicting lines of command. 5. Unity of Direction. People engaged in the same kind of activities must have the same objectives in a single plan. This is essential to ensure unity and coordination in the enterprise. Unity of command does not exist without unity of direction but does not necessarily flows from it. 6. Subordination of individual interest (to the general interest).Management must see that the goals of the firms are always paramount. 7. Remuneration. Payment is an important motivator although by analyzing a number of possibilities, Fayol points out that there is no such thing as a perfect syste m. 8. Centralization and Decentralization. This is a matter of degree depending on the condition of the business and the quality of its personnel. 9. Scalar chain (Line of Authority). A hierarchy is necessary for unity of direction. But lateral communication is also fundamental, as long as superiors know that such communication is taking place.Scalar chain refers to the number of levels in the hierarchy from the ultimate authority to the lowest level in the organization. It should not be over-stretched and consist of too-many levels. 10. Order. Both material order and social order are necessary. The former minimizes lost time and useless handling of materials. The latter is achieved through organization and selection. 11. Equity. In running a business a ‘combination of kindliness and justice' is needed. Treating employees well is important to achieve equity. 12. Stability of use of Personnel. Employees work better if job security and career progress are assured to them.An inse cure tenure and a high rate of employee turnover will affect the organization adversely. 13. Initiative. Allowing all personnel to show their initiative in some way is a source of strength for the organization. Even though it may well involve a sacrifice of ‘personal vanity' on the part of many managers. 14. Spirit of Co-operation (spirit de corps). Management must foster the morale of its employees. He further suggests that: â€Å"real talent is needed to coordinate effort, encourage keenness, use each person's abilities, and reward each one's merit without arousing possible jealousies and disturbing harmonious relations. â€Å" Principles Of Management Most of us have to work for a living†¦. Employee motivation issues. It is easy for any individual to lack motivation. This may result from monotonous working routines, even though we work for a living. Therefore, it is essential to consider employee motivation issues so that the employees work at their best and with full dedication. For some employees, working for living is not an issue and living for working is. Therefore, managers have to ensure that the employees are motivated always and do their best when working for an organization. 7. Can an individual be too motivated?Discuss? I don’t believe that an individual can be too motivated but rather excited or extremely encouraged to do any task. This may result from a variety of factors. Mainly, new job or new project issues are taken into consideration when evaluating an employee’s motivation level. It is necessary for an individual to be motivated always. This can be to such an extent that he or she delivers an excellent quality of work every time and this can result from positive thinking at work. CASE APPLICATION- â€Å"BEST BUY† 1. Explain†¦ expectancy theory?According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, this theory covers the basic needs of an individual and thus, different employee programs under this theory place a positive effect on the employee thereby increasing their motivation and their will to work. Best Buy offers the scope of self-management and gives complete freedom to its employees in every way. The disadvantage of Best Buy’s program using Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory is the safety that I believe Best Buy lacks. Using the reinforcement theory, Best Buy has only been initiating changes without any reward benefits to the employees.The tasks completed by the employees are noted but I don’t think they are rewarded for this, which is a disadvantage according to this theory. According to expectancy theory as well, employees should be rewarded sufficiently for their performance that lacks in Best Buy. Having to work based on incentives is fine but the company should always reward the employee sufficiently for performance that motivates the employees further rather than having a mere change in the work environment along with choices. Giving choices to employees may also promote motivation as they choose and opt for what they are comfortable in.2. Log on†¦ job characteristics model. The Business Technology Consultant in Best Buy offers a lucrative position to those who are highly skilled and knowledgeable in the area. According to the job characteristics model, it meets all the criteria and therefore, helps the employee to be continuously motivated and satisfied with the job due to its changing needs throughout. The job offers skill development, task handling technique, highlights on the importance of tasks, liberty and they also receive feedback from their peers regarding this.Another job that is worth lo oking into is the special agent requirement in the Best Buy. He is mainly responsible for the networking aspect of the company and is supposed to aid the Business Technology Consultant in the improvement of company’s IT structure. However, this job lacks a few characteristics, as mentioned in the job characteristics model. I don’t believe there is any liberty as there are specified tasks so it is hard for the employee to be motivated all the time. 3. Design†¦managerial philosophy.While the incentive program of the CEO is rewarding for its employees, another way to acknowledge the employee’s achievement and motivate them is to set a record where there is an â€Å"employee of the week† chosen and they are rewarded based on their weekly performance on various levels rather than monthly performances. I believe this employee recognition program can bring about several changes, including competitiveness in the work environment where the employees will cont inuously be at work to improve their performance levels thereby giving them a chance to succeed on a weekly basis rather than monthly. 4.Suppose that you are the store manager†¦.. What are you going to do? In order to succeed with the customer-centricity, it is important to focus on customers more than the employees but they too should be given importance for their work. Providing immediate customer care and solutions to customers followed by a detailed insight into the products they want to buy can help in the succession of customer-centricity. Furthermore, it can be said that customers should be satisfied in every way and this means doing anything to achieve this motive. Therefore, customers are not only treated as first class citizens but important visitors to the store.The welcoming atmosphere created along with prompt customer service can help in the success of customer-centricity program. CHAPTER 17: Thinking about management issues: answer 5 Trust revolves around individ ual’s personal characteristics as well as the outside specific situations. Inclusion of both is essential to make decisions and therefore, both should be taken into account. It is the individual’s personal characteristics that draw attention towards trust. Outside specific situations strengthens the trust and therefore, play an essential role in the building of trust.Both are equally important to uphold trust in an individual. CASE STUDY DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. Describe†¦ might be? Ricardo Semler shows an innovative method for business strategies to succeed. His strategy helps in giving liberty to the employees to do whatever they want and this always motivates the employees, as they are already familiar with the organization’s objectives. I see many drawbacks though. There is no target and no management. This mostly leads to chaos and businesses should be built on the model of bureaucracy and the performance of all should be evaluated.Semler trusts all his employees and it is very rare that his kind of strategies would work for everyone in the business market. This is risky. There have been several successful businesses where bureaucracy has yielded successful results. 2. What challenges†¦addressed? â€Å"Hands-off† leader faces management problems and extreme chaos. There is no discipline or code of conduct. Therefore, such challenges can be addressed by ensuring there are proper codes of conducts, even as a â€Å"hands-off† leader to ensure that discipline is maintained in an organization.Being adults doesn’t imply the meaning that one should be completely independent. Objectives of the companies can be met in several ways but if they are achieved by proper means with proper idea proposal, we know what techniques are employed by the employees in achieving success. Proper monitoring is essential for tracking the success of growth and development for the organization. 3. How could†¦ Discuss? I certainly don’t think Semler’s method of running a business could actually serve as a helpful strategy to fulfill the criteria of proper etiquettes in business management.I can’t see future leaders identifying with Semler’s way of doing business as any method that lacks disciplines and proper codes is not a reliable or a professional way of doing business. It may be able to achieve short-term success but not long-term success. Leadership training is absolutely crucial for any organization and businesses with excellent leadership have been outstanding results of business success throughout, which is why we emphasize on leadership in business. 4.What could†¦. leadership? Ricardo’s leadership gives the employees their own space to out their creativity and innovation into practice without the extensive paperwork of approvals and disapprovals. This feature of Ricardo’s leadership can be very benefiting due to its motivating influence on the employees . Free flow of creativity helps the employees to freely exercise their rights to lead the organization towards success. CHAPTER 18 Thinking about management issues 4. When do†¦rights†?Electronic devices such as computers, videogames, video cameras and telephone monitoring step over the line from â€Å"effective management controls† when the devices used intrude the privacy of others. Therefore, it is absolutely essential not to infringe upon privacy of others as this is considered absolutely unethical. Privacy of one’s personal space is a right that every individual owns and therefore, it should not be infringed in any way. 5. â€Å"Every†¦Explain? I do believe every individual in an organization plays a vital role as they are responsible for contributing their efforts to the organization.Hence, every individual’s role counts. Control is something that the leaders of an organization do based on what kind of output they want to receive. These are not just managers but every supervisor in an organization who looks after certain tasks and groups for the completion of the tasks given to them. Therefore, control is not only restricted to managers but to every employee who has tasks to accomplish and is responsible for a group of people working under him or her. Ethical dilemma exercise I believe I’d opt for option A as I believe that is the most ethical thing to do.Viewing adult graphic content using company’s internet facilities is against the rules of the organization and this matter should be dealt with seriousness. Today, the manager is found to view such things on the internet. Some other day, we will have other employees of the organization doing the same thing. The sooner the issues are highlighted to the authorities concerned, the rest of the staff will be aware of the consequences of doing such acts and thus, this will not be repeated by other employees as well. Awareness is definitely important in this r egard and cannot be taken lightly.CHAPTER 19 1. Using†¦ tour? In order to enhance productivity, it is essential for the manager to learn more about operation management. Somewhere in the sun tour has to have certain input elements in order to process the output. Using exhibit 19-1, we know that the input elements would consist of people, technology, capital, equipment, materials, information that would further be processed and transformed into goods and services. This helps in the effective functioning of an organization followed by proper management of productivity.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Levi’s Strauss: a case study from an organizational plan point of view Essay

Levis is undoubtedly one of the most recognizes brand of jeans on the planet. The business found by the Strauss family in 1875, initially manufactured jeans for miners out of tent fabric and canvas. However they later shifted to manufacturing jeans from denim which gained popularity amongst miners during the California gold rush. Strategic elements of an organisational plan The process of developing strategic elements of an organisational plan involves three broad categories. Analysing: Levi’s Strauss analysed its visions, mission objectives and external environments. This meant evaluation of the current market share and its segmentation, product range of competitors and what the company may want to do about it. Decision: From the findings of the analysis, the company had to decide on two main factors. What industries to try and expand into and how to be competitive in those industries. As such Levi commissioned market research agencies to carry out survey and research on the habits and attitudes of its customer base. This was all done with the idea of moving into the higher price clothing market since up until now Levi has mostly produced casual wear of the low price category. After such quantitative surveys the target market was selected. This target market comprised of Independent consumers with expensive tastes looking for classic designs which are not massed produced and rely on individual styling and fitting. It was then decided by Levi to carry out analysis of its target market in order to study their attitudes and behaviour in details so that further plans to enter the specific market segment can be made. It was decided by Levi to avoid direct price wars and as a result Levi decided to charge 10% above the prices of it closest competitors. In order to cater to the classic independent nature of the target market segment, Levi also decided to distribute through quality departmental store chains. The final stage of the decision making process involved carrying out tests for acceptability. This was done through the use of consumer discussion panels led by psychologists and were targeted at seeking out the real motivations behind the way the target market behaved. This led to the understanding that Levi was not just ready to produce classic suits because of the affiliation of its brand identity and value with casual standardised clothes and its strong ties and origins to jeans related clothing. This in turn led to the marketing team to focus on jackets and trousers rather than suits so that it can first overcome its image for casual apparel. Actions : The final step in the process for developing strategic elements for organisational plan involved the process of bringing all that planning and decision making to reality. The decision was made by levi to emphasise mainly on jackets and trousers in its new Tailored Classics line and so the initial idea of suits was dropped before the new line was launched. The organisational plan developed by Levi in order to move into new market segments, mainly the higher priced clothing market when put into effect, showed signs of underperformance. This was mainly because of the decision to abandon the manufacturing of suits based on its acceptability test findings. Those findings convinced the marketers in Levi to accept that Levi was too closely associated with casual only wear and customers were not favourable of the idea of Levi producing classic natured suits of non standardised but custom shape and taste. It was later evident that Tailored Classics failed to achieve its sales targets in the consequent months after its launch. Strategic effects on an organisational plan The implementation process of the organisational plan drawn up by Levi involved implementing its various quantitative and behavorial reseach findings in its final execution of the organisational plan. This meant moving away from its initial decision to produce what the target customer segment wants and manufacturing jackets and trousers instead. The decision was made on the basis of accpetability test results. In order to overcome the underperformance of the Tailored Classics line in its inital few months prices were reduced to meet sales targets which failed critically. The effects of these on the stakeholders was reduced returns for the investors, and a lack of faith in the brands ability to cater to the custom independent classic demand andconseuquential underperformance of the brand hindering its brand expansion. Strategy to communicate organisational plans to key stake holders To come up with an workable plan, the Levi public relations had to work through a sequence of steps. The first of such steps was setting out a communication objective. Ideally, whatever the objective is , it is best effective if its specific, measurable,achievable and realistic. The communications objective for Levi was to convey to the customer that levi is able to make a good suit when they put their mind to it despite its origins being in the jeans manufacturing industry and its past history of mostly casual only clothes. Secondly The Levi staff had to come up with a key message to its stake holders. The most important stakeholders group, the consumers themselves were made aware of the message with the help of the name for the new line â€Å"Tailored Classic†. This conveyed the idea that Levi is engaging in the manufacturing of non standardised custom classic wear that were more tailored to the customers individual need. Having decided upon the overriding key message each seprate group of stakeholders were prioritised and a seperate key message was set for them in order to make sure that most of the stakeholders were addressed and no one felt left out despite the aim of targetting the new line at the higher prices market. Different communications tactics had to be developed for each of the stake holders groups, ranging from the consumer, the media, the investors and the donors and volunteers involved with Levi. Finally the budgets and responsibilities were decided upon by the Levi directors based on their surveys and were allocated amongst its different departments and staff. Evaluation: Following all the steps regarding implementation of the strategic elements of the organisational plan and the process of communicating with the various stakeholders, Levi had to ensure that it was wrking to achieve the objective set. And depending on the results of the various surveys and research, starting from the consumer behaviour patterns and spending habits, the analysis of its target customer segment and finally the acceptability test of its new line before its launch all in term one by one allowed levi to review and change its key messages, communication tactics and finally its objectives. Ths led to the final decision to focus mostly on the jackets and trousers market rather than the tailored suits market because of the lack of the consumer confidence in Levi’s ability to produce tailored suits that meets individual reuqirements. Overall the assessment and evaluation process contributed to a great extent in the final decision to introduce the new line in a much differ ent form than intitally percieved.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Business Ethics and Social Responsibility Assignment

Business Ethics and Social Responsibility - Assignment Example The forty-seven-year-old Betty Vinson together with the 35-year-old Normand would face a sentence of fifteen maximum years, in jail. The sentence, however, can reduce to become years less than fifteen. Also among those who admitted the guilt, according to reports by the US TODAY, are Buford Yates and David Myers. The former was a former accounting director and the latter a former controller. The two pleaded guilty during the case of the government against WorldCom. The two were former low-level accountants at the collapsed firm. The sentence was not just. Ms. Vinson made the ethical decision as a way of cooperating with the prosecutor. The confession of guilt was a way of cooperation with the prosecutors. This was in exchange for possible leniency. The prosecutor, therefore, should leave Ms. Betty Vinson without putting then to the sentence. The two ex-WorldCom accountants were following the orders of the Chief Financial Officer, Scott Sullivan. Madoff was a Wall Street cognoscente and led the Nasdaq Stock Market. He also was a money manager that many sought-after. Clients believed to have the secret to investment success. He logged 10 percent of the yearly returns and set little down month. He got returns, in the end. He exploited three things. He took advantage of the fact that a significant number of investors sophisticated funds of hedge funds as well as advisers on investment issues. He exploited the fact that a considerable portion of the investors forgot that if something looks too good, then it is questionable. Madoff also took advantage of regulators’ failure to view his real image. The regulators considered Madoff an influential investment advisor as well as a broker. The discovery of Madoff’s dealings came long after he practiced them for a considerable period. This came with the collapse of markets and a stagnating economy.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Academic Study Skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Academic Study Skills - Essay Example Most academic work involves building on work that has been done by others. The provision of new insights about the specific area of research contributes to the building on what others in the field have done. To build on someone’s work might involve having to use their ideas to come up with your line of argument to support your new idea. It is in this instant of using someone’s ideas to come up with your point of view that it is important to use references. The use of references ensures that people who have contributed work to a particular field get good credit for their work. Besides, one learns to foster intellectual honesty by giving others credit for their work hence avoiding the vice of plagiarism.What is plagiarism and how can you avoid it?Plagiarism refers to the practice of stealing another person’s ideas or writings and passing them off as your own (Clabaugh & Rozycki, 2001, p. vii). Plagiarism is a fraudulent practice as it involves stealing someone's wo rk and then lying about it. Based on the severe nature of plagiarism, it is necessary to avoid it at all costs.One of the ways to avoid plagiarism is to learn the art of crediting the sources one uses. Whenever one uses phrases, data and other information that they did not come up with themselves, then one should give his sources the credit. To get better at crediting sources, one should analyze their sources critically to know exactly which author did what (Clabaugh & Rozycki, 2001, p. 56).

Saturday, July 27, 2019

World-class bull Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

World-class bull Case Study - Essay Example I believe that Sales VP Jeremy Silva has done justice to the strategy adopted by Knox for doing a successful business for the company, though I disagree with Silva in regarding Knox’s strategy as mere maneuver or trickery. I totally disagree with the human resources vice president’s view that Knox has breached the company’s ethics code and I feel that there is no coercion or manipulation done by Knox. Rather, he has just mixed his ability to persuade his customers through building a personal relationship and this effective strategy has done no harm to either party. James Borg, the business psychologist, and the author has an important point to make when he argues that Knox did not coerce Landry into buying SFS’s services, but instead simply got the CFO’s attention and let his persuasive techniques do the rest. It is totally true of fact, which becomes palpable in an insightful analysis of the case provided. Therefore, considering various aspects of the strategy adopted by Knox for the business of Armadillo Gas & Power with Landry, I strongly feel that Knox does not deserve a reprimand by the human resources vice president and I would demand rightful recognition of the success of Knox’s business strategy. When making a judgment regarding the business strategy adopted by Knox, one needs to recognize that he has been able to win a customer for the company through a positive strategy which builds trust in the customer about the company, along with developing personal relations with Knox.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Analysis of Jane Eyre similarities between Bertha and Jane Essay

Analysis of Jane Eyre similarities between Bertha and Jane - Essay Example While Jane dominates the whole novel, it is only towards the third part of the novel that we are exposed to Bertha in person. Physically there is no comparison whatsoever, as there are no grounds at all. Jane is plain but not ugly; Bertha is grotesque. A comparison is possible only between the deeply subconscious state of Bertha and Jane's childhood misery, where she is confined to the frightful hole and wallows in terror. In the second chapter, the little child Jane gets scared and screams " Miss Jane screamed so loud Madam" (Bronte 12), pleads Bessie. Mrs. Reed condemns her as a "precocious actress in the eyes, a compound of virulent passions, mean spirit and dangerous duplicity" (Bronte 12). Jane is a creature of circumstances. She is unable "to bear the doctrine of endurance." Perhaps one may attempt a comparison to Bertha in this context, far fetched though it is likely to be. Chapter 3 talks of Jane being "wretched of mind" (Bronte 14). There is wretchedness in her heart. It is there in Bertha too. Why else would a mentally deranged woman rip the wedding veil apart and crush it underfoot Rochester in the guise of the fortune teller talks of Jane's "melancholy arising from loneliness" (Bronte 176) as reflected in her eye. Bertha is mad. Is her madness melancholy Bertha's reaction to the veil creates such a doubt in the reader, though one tends to squash it and attribute the action to her madness. Jane speaks of herself as "passionate but not vindictive" (Bronte 211) to her dying aunt. Bertha also is passionate - capable of intense feeling. Grace Poole calls her 'tolerable', 'snappish', 'not 'rageous today' (Bronte 259) Only the child Jane who mentions that she was beside herself or rather out of herself and is referred to as a "mad cat" can help bring comparisons to the forefront. "Dear dear ! What a fury to fly at Master John! Did ever anybody see such a picture of passion!" (Bronte 7) She is said to be an underhand little thing with so much cover. Abigail says, "It was always in her" and that "I have told Missus often my opinion about the child, and Missus agreed with me. She is an underhand little thing. I never saw a girl of her age with so much cover" (Bronte 8).The little Jane revolts against injustice vigorously. Her reason screams "Unjust! Unjust!". Mr. Lloyd talks to himself and says that her nerves are not in a good state. In Chapter 6, Jane, on a wave of introspection attributes her lack of good home and parents to her abnormal reasoning - wishing the wind to howl more wildly and "the confusion to rise to clamour" (Bronte 46). The first that we hear of Bertha is her laugh "mirthless, curious, distinct" (Bronte 92) As Dr. Sally Minogue states (Minogue, XVIII), "Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar, in their groundbreaking study of nineteenth century fiction talk about psychoanalytic rather than realist terms. Following this, we can be persuaded that " Bertha's Gothic disruptions are Jane's rebellions writ large. Both threaten social stability, and both are contained, Bertha physically, Jane by self restraint. The red room is deliberately recalled in Bertha's incarceration in the third storey, and the she-devil called Mrs. Reed sees in the ten year old Jane, 'all fire and violence' (p. 211), prefigures Bertha's

Apply the approach used by Lewis and Goldin in measuring the cost of Essay

Apply the approach used by Lewis and Goldin in measuring the cost of the U.S. Civil War to evaluate the cost of some other war. In this you could deal with more a contemporary conflict - Essay Example The cost of the Civil War was measured by estimating two types of war cost that include the direct and indirect cost. The direct estimation involves the computation of the total actual expenses incurred by both sides. The indirect estimation alone could not be used to give an accurate cost of the war. Lewis and Goldin also used indirect estimation in order to overshadow the limitations of direct estimation. By using the indirect estimation, they assumed that the country would still incur some expenses in the absence of the war. The difference between the consumption stream in the absence of the war and the actual expenses is the indirect cost. The direct cost of the war to the north as estimated by Lewis and Goldin was 3,365,846 dollars (Lewis & Goldin 308), while the total indirect cost in this region for the natives was 49,950 dollars (Lewis & Goldin 317). Since the historical times, the US has been actively participating in the fight against terrorists. The contemporary US acts of war on terror include the US war in Afghanistan and Iraq. The US has been sending its troop to fight in Afghanistan and Iraq in order to eliminate terrorism. This is among the country’s strategy to end terrorism in other countries before the US is affected. The cost of this war could be computed using Lewis and Goldin method. It means that the both direct and indirect costs of the war on terror have to be calculated for the past decade. The direct costs would include the total government expenditure on the war. The indirect cost would be the cost incurred by the citizens because of the war on terror. According to researches, the direct cost of war on terror in Afghanistan and Iraq was about 4 trillion dollars (DeGraw 1). The total indirect cost includes the interest on the money was 1 trillion, the medical costs of the veteran which was 32 billion, t he foreign aid of about 74 billion dollars, pentagon spending of about 652 billion, security spending of about 401

Thursday, July 25, 2019

What impact does the safety record of SUVs have on the economy Essay

What impact does the safety record of SUVs have on the economy - Essay Example By examining the safety record to demonstrate how SUVs are indeed responsible for more deaths and injuries than passenger cars and how these excess injuries in turn influence losses in wages and productivity while increasing police, medical and insurance costs, attention throughout the paper is focused on how poor safety ratings resulting from the use of these vehicles adversely impact the economy. The physical size of an SUV mistakenly provides drivers with a feeling of security, but the facts show that these vehicles actually place drivers and passengers in much greater danger of death, whiplash, and spinal injuries. The illusion of bigger is better has been proven to be a dangerous myth. The impression that SUVs are safer is driven more on the perception that they are bigger and can therefore provide more protection, but accident studies show this is not the case. Mid-sized and smaller SUVs such as the Nissan Pathfinder, Suzuki Sidekick, and Jeep Wrangler had driver death-rates significantly higher than the average vehicle. In examining deaths per million passengers, SUVs had nearly the same death rates in accidents as small cars, but substantially more fatalities than mid-sized or large cars (â€Å"SUVs: Risks†, n.d.). Still, the perception of bigger is safer abounds. Mothers with the best of intentions for their family decide to purchase SUVs sacrificing the added expense for gas for what they believe is a safer vehicle for their children. SUVs, because of their high center-of-gravity, are much more likely to roll over than smaller vehicles or mini vans in all circumstances. Studies have shown the high profile of these vehicles contributes to this inclination especially as the result of an accident. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, a research organization for the insurance industry, tested SUVs to show how well these vehicles protect the driver and passengers in a collision. Midsized SUVs were rated on a basis of â€Å"good†,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Introductory Economics (Macroeconomics) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Introductory Economics (Macroeconomics) - Essay Example If interest rates are forecasted to be low in an economy, then it makes productive investors believe that in the long run, cost of borrowing funds would be less. Under such circumstances, the rate of investments made in an economy would increase and level of economic productivity would also rise. Finally, a rise in the domestic product of a nation simply indicates a fall in unemployment rates. The Bank of England initially claimed under the regime of Forward Guidance Policy that it would not increase the lending interest rate above .5% in the long run, until the unemployment level in the country falls to 7% or below (BBC, 2014). Accordingly, such claims made by the Bank had succeeded in lowering the level of volatility in the market as well as enhancing the level of investments made in the country (BBC, 2014). Nonetheless, governor of the bank had mentioned that it was required to revise the Forward Guidance Policy because such forecasts would generate excessive job opportunities in the nation, that would automatically increase the amount of money and hence, demand in the economy; ultimately carving the path of inflation in the long run (Howker and Malik, 2010). The Bank also claimed that in its revised Forward Guidance Policy, it would forecast several macroeconomic factors, apart from unemployment and interest rate. The bank asserted that it would increase the interest rate to 2% to stabilize the unusual growth of employments in the nation. Although Mark Carney claimed that the country would experience high growth from 2.8% to 3.4% in the recent years, he also added that the growth was â€Å"neither balanced nor sustainable† and way below the pre-financial crisis levels (BBC, 2014). With reference to such revised estimates for future, the risk adverse attitude of investors in the nation would fall to some extent. They would realize that they had overestimated stability of the economy

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Equal Pay for Women Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Equal Pay for Women - Research Paper Example There are different factors or causes of the pay gap between the two genders such as education, skills, discrimination, and experience. In this paper, we will discuss why the pay gap exists and how that pay gap affects the lives of women in our societies. Common Factors of Pay Gap Let us discuss some of the most common factors of pay gap in order to get a better understanding of the issue. Talent and Confidence Talent of women is one of the most influencing factors regarding the difference in the pay gap between men and women. In most of the societies, women are not considered equal to men. Women are considered less talented and less skilled as compared to men. It is really a misconception because talent and skills have no concern with the gender of a person. Many women in the history have performed exceptional roles in various fields of life. We can take examples of Annie Easley, Henrietta Swan Leavitt, and Rita Levi-Montalcini who marked their names in the list of most talented wom en scientists of the world. Therefore, we cannot say that skills and talent of women are less as compared to men in any field of life. Most of the employers do not prefer to hire women because they consider women less productive. Women also face sexual harassments and different kinds of discrimination during their jobs, which discourages them from going out to do some job. Such women usually do not have much confidence to report any incident related to harassment or wage discrimination to the higher authorities. The less confidence of women is one of the most critical elements behind the pay differences, which exists between men and women. Some employers think that women are not confident enough to face major challenges that occur during jobs. They think that male employees have more ability to face the challenges as compared to female employees and that is one of the reasons for why employers offer high wages to male employees and comparatively low wages to female employees. Employ ment Opportunities Another factor behind the pay differences is employment opportunities for men and women. Employers think that men usually have more employment opportunities and they can get alternate jobs easily whereas women do not have enough job opportunities So, the employers offer high wages to male employees in order to retain them. The governments of most of the countries are also responsible for creating such pay gaps between the two genders. It is the responsibility of the governments to provide equal employment opportunities to both men and women in order to reduce the pay differences. Governments need to understand the importance of work for women because in the present world, it is not easy for men to work alone in order to earn for their families. Women need to provide financial help to their husbands in order to run the cycle of life but when there will be less job opportunities and low pay scales for women; they will not be able to support their husbands in a prope r way. Therefore, governments should take steps to reduce the pay gaps that occur due to less employment opportunities for women. Pay Gap Due To Color The pay gap, which exists between the two genders, is significantly wider in case of women of color. â€Å"

Monday, July 22, 2019

Reformation for the Health of the Population Essay Example for Free

Reformation for the Health of the Population Essay Population health is an ever progressing branch of medicine that is fundamentally concerned with improving the health of a population as opposed to the sole health of the individual. Advances in technology continue to improve the average life expectancy, yet the American healthcare system is failing to evolve. Insurance companies routinely collect huge profits, yet a significant portion of the American population remains subject to poor health care. Reconstructions in academia and at the legislative level are a necessity if there is to be any advancement to our healthcare system and increase within population health. Medical training has proven to be insufficient in teaching students how to care for patients outside of the primary demographic to which they were exposed during their studies (Greenlick, p. 2). Future physicians should be trained to better understand the dynamics and diversified needs of the individuals from the populations in which they will be serving. Having a working awareness of multiple patient populations would allow physicians to better serve that individual and collectively improve the population. Socioeconomic disparities, ethnic variances, access to proper nutrition, and genetic predisposition to particular diseases are a few factors that need be considered to provide quality care. Reshaping of medical school curriculum to better prepare students to understand the distribution of disease, the environmental effects on health and disease, and how to interpret the needs of a larger variety of populations should become a priority in medical academia. Reformation is not isolated to any gender, ethnicity, social class, or age group. Health care reform remains a hot topic amongst the one-percenters, the bottom bracket, and the classes in between. Universal reforms need to be made in order to equalize our health care system. Quality care should not be about the bottom line for profit but about respect and concern for one’s fellow-man. The greatest opposition for reformation tends to come from a small, privileged demographic who is satisfied with the status quo and rather not pay reasonably higher taxes in order for the poorer population to access adequate health care. Legislation like the Affordable Care Act is in a sense socializing health care but its  ideals are a step in the right direction for successful reformation. Further clarity is needed to determine an exact methodology to make improvements in population health and the barriers that must be overcome for them to succeed (Eggleston, Abstract). Nevertheless, a financially sound method to fund health care for all should be implemented by the government. Millions of Americans are still uninsured or underinsured and taxing the wealthy to redistribute wealth and improve health resources for the population could alleviate some of the burden our system is facing. Insuring more Americans will prevent the uninsured from having to use emergency rooms due to untimely care of preventative disease which ends up being more costly and ineffective in the long run. Better access to health care for the disadvantaged would improve society on the whole as they would be better able to find and to remain healthy on their jobs thus becoming more productive contributors to society.†¨ In order to improve the quality of life for all, reforms in healthcare practice and academia need to be initiated. There is no room for political bias and unfounded claims for opposition if there is to be any improvement in the health of the population. Health care should be accepted as an essential human right, not a privilege. Social and financial factors must be eliminated when access to care is assessed in order to improve the health of the population and improve society.

Socrates Theory Essay Example for Free

Socrates Theory Essay Socrates’ claim that the â€Å"unexamined life is not worth living† is very true. Imagine if you were to just go through the motions from birth to death and never be able to put meaning to any of it, why do it at all? Going through the motions is just a step in life, however learning which motions to repeat and which should never be repeated again is how life is measured. Examine everything you do from your morning ritual to your nightly routines. In the morning, you brew some coffee or stop by your favorite store for your cup of java. Why would you keep doing it? Simple answer without examining it closely would be because it helps motivate me and wakes me up. What you typically don’t stop and examine is that in order for you to make it or go get it, you are already awake. It motivates you is simply a response when in fact you motivate the purchasers to ensure you have the coffee accessible. You have simply put yourself, mentally, in a routine and justify it with responses you tell yourself so that you keep doing it. Simply replace your coffee with tea or water and your mind will keep telling you it helps you wake up and motivates you. In the evening you go home and prioritize the rest of your day. Meals for the family, laundry, clean, homework with the kids, and if there is time enjoy some outside or event with the family. Again without examining each step, it just seems like a routine. Instead ask yourself why you do these things and in what order; all of a sudden your day will make sense! You ensure your family is well nurtured to achieve greater things and enable them to live longer through smart diets and good eating habits. Your might prepare meals due to the fact your spouse never really cooks for flavor! You do laundry and clean to ensure a neat environment and might entice your family to assist so that there is more family time to have fun with instead of just doing chores. Doing homework with the kids is not to make sure they are understanding the material, it is staying connected with your children and taking notes along the way to keep your knowledge up to date and informed of what they are being taught. In fact you might be able to schedule events around what they are learning to enhance their experiences as well as bonding time.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Korean Wave in China | An Analysis

Korean Wave in China | An Analysis Korean popular culture has become one of the most beloved pop cultures among Asian fans over the last 10 years. Asia is no longer dominated by American popular culture, and fans now are choosing what they consider to be more Asian. Many have recently come to prefer Korean popular culture, which they perceive to be fresh and trendy, as well as something that contains Asian values and sentiments. More and more people throughout Asia are choosing to watch Korean movies, listen to Korean popular music, follow Korean soap operas, and even travel to Korea to visit sites they have seen in their favorite Korean dramas. The sudden rise in popularity and the dissemination of Korean popular culture throughout Asia is new, unprecedented, and fascinating. This cultural flow in contemporary Asia is called the Korean Wave. Starting point of the Korean Wave in China The term Korean Wave refers to the phenomenon of Korean popular culture, disseminated primarily through the mass media and enjoying a broad popularity outside of Korea. It includes Korean-identified television dramas, movies, internet games, fashions, and popular music. It is unclear exactly when the term Korean Wave started to become popular among Asians, but public media began recognizing Korean popular culture in mainland China in 1997, when the Korean television drama Star Is in My Heart was broadcast in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and other Asian countries. The Chinese broadcasting company Phoenix TV, which broadcasts throughout Asia, showed this drama under its Chinese name, and the broadcast met with broad popular appeal, especially in mainland China. The drama caught peoples attention in part because its main actor, Ahn Jae-Wook, was particularly attractive to Chinese and Taiwanese women. Ahn Jae-Wook, therefore, became a symbol of the Korean wave in China. Following to Star Is in My Heart, Autumn Story, Winter Sonata, What Is the Love and many other drama fascinated people in China. Korea pop music has also taken a huge role of the Korean Wave from the beginning. Young dance music groups, H.O.T and Clone ignited the Korean Wave in China in 1999. Various radio stations in China began to create programs specializing K-pop. Moreover, it is known that the number of fans of H.O.T. was eight million only in China in 2002. Afterwards, at least 50 different Korean pop albums were produced in China, and more than three million albums in total were sold by 2002. Beyond simply consuming the media contents, Chinese teenagers repeated Korean pop songs and imitated Korean actors and singers fashion and hairstyle. In addition, Korean restaurants in China became popular among people who were enjoying Korean pop culture. Through the indirect experience of Korean food in television drama, people became familiar to it and such familiarity made people walk to Korean restaurants. As the effect of the Korean Wave, the national image of Korea was recognized as positive. As a result, Korean products raised their own value as well. Samsung mobile phones and LG air conditioners and microwaves took bigger portions at Chinese market as people demanded more of such products. Started with the drama, Star Is in My Heart, and Korean pop music sung by H.O.T and Clone in China, the Korean Wave outstretched to Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Vietnam, and other Asian counties. The Second Round of Korean Wave in Japan Even though people in most Asian countries showed deep interests in Korea pop culture, Japan, which is geographically the nearest neighbor, was not affected by the Korean Wave until Winter Sonata hit Japan. In 2003, the Korean drama, Winter Sonata, was first shown on Japanese television in twenty episodes. It captured 22% of the prime time viewing audience. In 2004 Winter Sonata had its second showing. This time it captured 24% of viewing audience. The key feature of the Japanese response to the Korean drama was that it was not just passively accepted. A demographic of Japanese viewers positively embraced the Korean drama, especially the television drama Winter Sonata and its Korean associations. There are the indicators that with some of the Japanese audience, Winter Sonata was elevated to cult status. For example, in 2003, the DVD of the series sold out within four hours of its release. Lead Korean actors from the series become celebrities in Japan. Indeed, in some newspapers the male leading actor, the Korean Bae Yong Joon, was addressed as Yon Sama, an honorific usually assigned only to royalty in Japan. At last count, Bae Yong Joon has some 50 websites devoted to him. During visits to Japan cast members were mobbed by their fans. Demand by fans for Winter Sonata merchandise has created an industry with an annual turnover in Japan and Korea worth 2.3 billion US dollars. The industry produces memorabilia such as clothing, ac cessories, jewelers, stationery, magazines, books, DVDs and supports fan clubs. Significantly this interest extended beyond the characters of Winter Sonata toward a more general interest in Korea. The tourist industry in Korea was affected by the Korean Wave. In 2004 Japan was the source of nearly half of Koreas 5.6 million overseas visitors, and was its major source of tourists though it is difficult to identify who of these came because of Winter Sonata. In 2006 Korean Air announced special film flights from Japan so that they could visit the Winter Sonata location sites. In 2006 NHK television media and publishers announced an increase of its annual sales of its Korean language textbook to 20,000 copies. Reasons why the Korean Wave became popular in Asia The good quality of cultural media comes to the foremost reason. According to the Chinese local analysis, Korean dramas have outstanding storylines, well designed characters, and sophisticated directing system. Plus, original background music (OST) are excellent as well. Whether Chinese or Taiwanese dramas repeat the obvious storylines making people already bored by watching only the first episode, Korean dramas own various styles and types of story raging widely. Their creativities in developing stories fuel peoples curiosities to see the next episode. Korea actors handsome appearance, stylish fashions and hairstyles, and outstanding acting abilities are said to the best among Asian actors. Improved technology in film producing helps background settings and music to be wonderfully assimilated to each other. Camera walking and well designed composition of pictures improve overall quality of the video. The second reason is that the economic decline of Asia forced television producers to seek out products cheaper than Japanese and Western products. One of these was soap operas, the starting-point of the Korean Wave in Taiwan. The Korean Wave arose mainly because of the media liberalization that swept across Asia in 1990s, when the economic crisis made Asian buyers prefer the cheaper Korean products compared with Japanese and Hong Kong products. The primary producer of K-Pop Entertainment at Gala-TV in Taiwan told that the main reason that GTV began programming Korean soap operas was because of their cheap prices compared to Japanese products, and Korean soap operas were even cheaper than domestic ones. According to her, Korean soap operas were of much better quality then Taiwanese products, but were much cheaper, so GTV dubbed in Mandarin and aired the programs as if they were locally made soap operas. In 1999, GTV began buying old dramas from the Korean Broadcasting System under the considerations that it costs less than the domestic dramas and the quality of the Korean dramas could be guaranteed. GTV was informed that KBS had invested a huge amount of money in production. Indeed, Korea has long invested in dramas, and after 1993 it has encouraged the investment of private capital in the media industry. Therefore, to supplement domestic dramas, GTV introduced Korean dramas of low cost and good quality. Thirdly, Korean movies and TV dramas show virtue and kindness. In Korean movies and TV dramas, people are friendly, and families are harmonious. Juniors respect elders, elders cherish juniors. Lovers love dearly each other, and spouses care for each other. TV dramas of Korea still show the harmonious and pure-hearted feelings. Every one wishes to have a harmonious family and live in a harmonious society. First of all, such heartwarming stories attract wide age groups. It is appropriate for elementary school kids to elder grandma and grandpa to watch altogether. Most western dramas or movies contain suggestive scenes to express passionate love between lovers which made family members to be apart to watch them. However, all family members gather around and can watch Korean dramas or movies which mostly depict pure-hearted loves between friends, families, and lovers. Second of all, pure love between lovers especially attracted Japanese women. Winter Sonata which delivers the story of pure love between main characters evoked Japanese Womens memories of their first love. Since purity in love was already old-fashioned culture in Japan, women who watched Winter Sonata brought out their nostalgic feelings toward pure love. Husband and wife do not talk a lot because Japanese people do not directly reveal their emotions and feelings to others which were regarded as the most secret part of individuals. The actions, that spouses sincerely care for each other, stirred desires of Japanese women to be loved from their love directly and in a gentle way. Lastly, the family value commonly dealt in Korean drama evoked nostalgic feeling toward family among Chinese people. Through the Cultural Revolution and through the national campaign, One family, one child, large families were exterminated in China. Naturally, the older generations miss memories they had in large families. The older generations in China could be vicarious satisfaction as they enjoy Korea drama. Even though Asian countries are bound with the similar cultures and traditions, purity in love and family value were lost in Japanese and Chinese society. Pure-hearted feelings and harmonious aspects of Korean society reflected on drama played the significant role to promote the Korean Wave in two societies. First, cultural industry includes movie, broadcast, music, game, book, and concert at which people directly show their enthusiasm. Second, derivative products are products such as cosmetics, tour, accessories, clothes, mobile phone, home appliance, automobile, and food which are indirectly linked with the cultural contents. Automobile that one Korean star drove in drama or the place where the drama was directed are in this category. Third, ripple effect on national economy is that effect on the other economy as cultural industry and derivative products are exported. For example, if the cultural contents were exported and therefore if the mobile phone meets the great demand, the mobile phone company needs to employ more people to produce the phone. As a result, more jobs are created in domestic market. This is a ripple effect on national economy. Fourth, immeasurable effects is, as it says in its word, it is not measurable by numeric values or by statistics. It is invisible effect suc h as people who are big fan of Korean culture learning Korean language. Korean exports in cultural industry to overseas amount to eleven million dollars in 2007. It shows 11.3% of annual growth from 2005 to 2007. In the case of movie industry, the movie, in which Bae yong-Jun (Yon-sama) acted in 2005, was exported at a high cost to Japan. The success of this movie resulted out exporting 76 million dollars. However, the following year reported the exports of only 25 million dollars which fells 68%. The broadcast industry is especially strong in Japan than any other Asian countries. While the broadcast industries in Japan and China show fairly steady outcome, other Asian countries and non-Asian region suddenly consumed the doubled volume of Korean television dramas in 2006 compared to that of 2005. The game industry, which takes the biggest portion in the cultural industry, gradually increased it exports. Derivative products are not the cultural contents; however, they are closely related to the Korean Wave. The car appeared in drama or the cosmetics which Korea celebrities advertising are included in the realm of derivative products. Therefore, they are second biggest part in calculating the economic effects of the Korean Wave. Korean cosmetic brands such as The Face Shop and Misha rapidly grew in size in the international market and exported three hundred million dollars in 2005 and three hundred fifty million dollars in 2007. Cosmetic brands are sensitive to their models; therefore, companies frequently change the models to the most popular one at the time. Interestingly, Korean cosmetic brands use male Korea celebrities who are at the center of the Korean Wave because, in this way, it is easier for companies to appeal to female Korean fans in overseas. This is the strategies Korea cosmetic companies are using to target the international market. In the case of clothes, clothes industry resulted out the exports of twenty-three million dollars in 2005; however, exporting volume has been gradually decreased to seventeen million dollars in 2007. Decrease in home appliance exports can be explained by the increasing supply of Chinese products with the developing qualities in China mainland. When the exports of clothes, accessories, mobile phone, and home appliances were decreasing, automobile industry stretched its competitiveness in the international market with the grow rate of 12.5%. Koreas developed technology in automobile production and positive image toward Korean automobile brand established such consequence. Abroad fans interest and familiarity to Korean food helped its industry internationally. The number of tourists is increasing from 2005 to 2007 with the growth rate of 3.5%. However, the number of tourists who visited Korea because of the Korea Wave is decreasing with the rate of -13.2%. Winter Sonata sensationally hit Japan in 2003. Thus, the rate of tourists, who came to Korea by the influence of the Korean Wave, in 2005 is comparatively higher than in 2006 and in 2007 as the aftereffect of Winter Sonata. As Japanese tourists who were deeply impressed by Winter Sonata increases after 2003, interesting thing happened in the streets in Korea. The shops near the locations appeared in Korean drama have Japanese explanations on each products. Moreover, the shop assistants in Myung-doing streets tout people in Japanese. They speak Japanese more than Korean to tout Japanese tourists. The decreasing number of tourists due to the Korean Wave does not mean that the Korean Wave has less impact on other cultures. Rather, people, who already visited Korea, would not make a second trip in near future. Therefore, it is quite natural that the number of people visiting Korea due to the Korean Wave gets smaller and smaller, regarding the huge impact of Winter Sonata in 2003. Instead, increasing number of tourists shows the general perception on the image of Korea is improving and it is ultimately the result of the Korean Wave. Therefore, I conclude that the Korean Wave yet fosters the tourism industry in Korea. Riffle Effects on National Economy Through the Korean Wave, Korean international economy was vitalized. Growing demands of Korean cultural contents from abroad have increased supplies, and therefore, Korean cultural industry has grown in a large scale. Numerous companies which create the cultural contents require more labor force as they extend their business. The Korean Wave not only vitalized the Korean economy but also opened the labor market to support industry. Considering the fact that companies, which directly or indirectly related to the Korean Wave, inevitably employ more labors, unimaginable number of people would come into the economic activities, relieving unemployment and boosting the national economy. The Korea Wave started with few dramas and pop songs now controls the whole national economy. Immeasurable effects Korean fans outside of Korea often learn Korean language and eat Korean food. More and more people have interest in Korean culture and favorable impression toward Korea. These sociological phenomena raise the power of Korea very softly everywhere in the world where the Korea cultural syndrome has hit. This is the Soft Power that Korean has. Conclusion The Korean Wave hit China in 1997 for the fist time and now its influence prevails all over Asia. By watching the same drama, by reading the same comic book, and by listing to the same pop songs, people have a strong sense of solidarity. Reflecting on my own experience, Asian teenagers become intimate to each other easily by sharing their cultural interests. In the fact that cultural contents take the large portion on students lives, there is nothing better which connects the students so tightly. They would forget the time flying away when they talk about their own favorite dramas and celebrities. The Korean Wave was directly connected to the domestic economy. Numerous cultural industries have expanded their influence in Asia and related manufacturing industry also has been thrived. The cultural industry established the average exports of 414,387 million Won from 2005 to 2007 and the derivative industry reached to the average exports of 2,204,567 million Won from 2005 to 2007. The whole economic impacts including the ripple effects during the past few years are tremendous in Korean domestic economy. There are several shortages of the Korean Wave that the Korean cultural contents overwhelmingly attract female but only mimic influence to male and that the current Korean Wave is not as sensational as the past few years. The Korean dramas and movies mostly deal with romantic love stories which women love and do not take action or thriller genres which men like. To embrace a broader range of people, Korean production companies need to develop creative and interesting scenarios in various genres. Plus, the economic effects are diminishing in many sectors of industry such as clothes, home appliance, and mobile phone. It is because there are recently no big contents such as Winter Sonata and Dae Jang Geum which rose fanatical boom about Korean media. The more efforts to create the high quality cultural contents enable to continue the glory of Korean Wave in 2004 and 2005. Asian countries and people have never gathered and shared the same cultural contents before as they do these days. Even though there are worried voices that Asian cultures are losing diversity in arts and culture, I valued more on the Korean Waves positive effects that connecting many countries and people in Asia in a close bound. I hope the unified the cultural market in Asia region would be the chance for cultural industries in each Asian countries to cooperative each other to create more developed cultural contents opening up new visas of the future.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Colin Powell Essay -- essays research papers

Colin Powell is a strong individual that has over come hardships of his own and that of his country. He is a man that was never satisfied with average and still excels in everything he does. Colin Powell is a leader and a role model to African Americans and the rest of the world. On April 5, 1937 a true hero was born by the name Colin Luther Powell. He was born in Harlem, New York 12 years after his mother Maud and father Luther Theophilus Powell immigrated to New York from Jamaica. Colin grew up in New York City and proved to be a very intelligent human being. The Powell's were a very disciplined and religious family, which proved helpful in many cases. Colin skipped a grade in elementary school while excelling in his grasp for the English language. He proved extremely knowledgeable in many subjects. According to his older sister Marilyn he  ¡Ã‚ §excelled at map drawing and French, and he was elected  ¡Ã‚ ¥class captain ¡Ã‚ ¦Ã‚ ¡Ã‚ ¨. (Senna 9) In 1953 Colin graduated Morris High School at the youthful age of sixteen. He did not have an idea of what he wanted to be all he knew was he wanted to make his parents proud. In the year 1954 Colin took his first step to his brilant future. He enrolled at CCNY (City College of New York). His parents insisted he major in engineering, and he did. He had no desire to further his education but did anyway to make his parents proud. Early in Colin ¡Ã‚ ¦s college career he joined the Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC). On June 9,1958 he graduated from CCNY...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Leadership Essay -- Trait Theory, Maslow

Leaders impact people's daily lives and futures. In good times and bad, there is always a need for strong leadership. According to Fesler (1960) leadership is a social process, it cannot exist without leader and followers. Leadership is results in followers’ behavior that is goal-directed in some sort of organized setting. In brief, leadership is a process by a person influences others toward the attainment of group or organizational goals. Like the words said by Keith (2003):† Leadership is ultimately about creating a way for people to contribute to making something extraordinary happen†. The development of leadership studies has three phases: trait theory, behavior theory and contingency theory. According to Robbins& Judge (2011), the studies at late of 1960s are applied to the â€Å"great man† theory which state that the leads are born to lead, they are not like other people and they have some special trait. The researchers examined the physical, mental, and social characteristics of individuals, they are expected to find out what kinds of trait will means the people is the leader. However, Fry& Kriger (2009) indicated that leader trait research ignored followers’ needs and not gives explanations for the proposed relationship between individual characteristics and leadership; it is not consider the impact of situational factors that might moderate the relationship between leader traits and measures of leader effectiveness. As a result of these drawbacks, trait theory is not successful and generally abandoned. While aware of the limitations of trait theory, the focus of leadership research shifted away to leader behaviors. The researchers begin to observe the relationship between behavior and leader effectiveness. The behavior ... ... the leader behavior that will accomplish these tasks depends upon the subordinate and environmental contingency factors. In conclude, there is no best way or universal style to manage an organization. A good must think over the situation around and find out an appropriate leadership style. Although Anna Bligh’s behavior is not totally same with effectiveness style which is indicated by behavior leadership studies, but her style is appropriate to the situation she met, and consistent with the definition of effectiveness leadership under contingency theory. Her case is also proof that behavior leadership has offered many kinds of leader style but a good leader generally should not use the same style with a group in different situation. Like contingency theory indicated: most efficacious leadership is the style that accordance with current circumstance.

Abraham Lincoln Essay -- essays research papers

Lincoln   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  No president of the United States ever assumed office under more difficult conditions than Abraham Lincoln. By the time of his inauguration day, a large portion of the South had already seceded as soon as they heard of his election. Nor did he have the support and confidence of a large portion of the North either. To most Americans, Lincoln was a relative unknown and his homespun image and penchant for humor often led both his opponents and his staff to underestimate him. General McClellan dismissed his commander-in-chief as a buffoon while the abolitionist Wendall Phillips described Lincoln as a ‘first-rate, second-rate man’ who was always ‘waiting like any other servant for the people to come and send him on any errand they wish.’   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Such estimations show that Lincoln’s true intelligence and political acumen were widely misunderstood, perhaps owing to the fact that he was a complex and very private man, not readily given to sharing his inner thoughts with even his closest advisors. He also appeared on the surface to be a man of great contradictions. He was anti-slavery and yet he hesitated to free the slaves. He was a staunch believer in the Constitution and yet he suspended the writ of habeas corpus.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The answer to these seeming contradictions lies in Lincoln’s character. He was both a man of high ideals and a pragmatist. His paramount goal was the preservation of the Union. W...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

My relationship with nature Essay

It goes without saying that one cannot live without nature. Nature has a great deal to teach. Every landscape is the gift given by nature. As I sit at the window, listening to the rain rustling, I turn on the lights, and start to reflect on the lost memories about my childhood with nature. I was born in a simple siheyuan, a typical Chinese house with courtyards in an old hutong. Hutongs are a type of narrow street, dating back as early as Yuan dynasty. Most of them run from east to west, no wider than nine meters. Hutongs are not only the dwelling place for Beijingers, but are also cultural museums. Every brick and tile has its history; only people who live in Hutongs will understand the meaning of the city’s peace and tranquility. During my childhood, I lived with all my family members which included my parents, grandparents, uncle, aunts, great-aunts and my great-grandfather together in my childhood. The siheyuan was only one floor story so it was easy for me to be closed to nature. All of my happiest memory was the experience lived in this siheyuan. There was a yard lies outside of the door gate. Our family owns two pomegranate trees and a toona tree whose leaves are edible and delicious. Every autumn, my favorite activity is to climb the trees to pick those fresh, juicy pomegranates and the buds of toons. In addition to the trees, there is a beautiful park that is only a ten minute walk. Each summer, I went fishing in the river in the park with my neighbors and then cooked the fish and shrimp for dinner. While I ate, I came to understand that nature that provides essential foods to human life and I really appreciated that. However, before I could further explore relationship with nature, at the age of six, my parents and I left the Siheyuan and moved into a five story old building. I could no longer live with all my family members, and I was no longer able to. But a good thing happened; my parents bought me a chick for me to feed. When I held the little chick in my hands, I couldn’t help but to love it. I immediately got a carton and put the chick into it and also put inside a small bottle filled with water. Then I installed a fifteen-watt  light bulb to bring the light to the chick because my grandpa told me that most cold-blooded chicks and hens do not leave the heat given by lights. After two weeks, the chick grew well and was healthy. It was so cute when he used his two small claws to run here and there. It was even more interesting when he drank the water. He put his mouth into the small water bowl at first, and then raised his head and swallowed water and at the same time, shaking his he ad. Maybe, he was telling me he was so happy. Then, a tragedy happened. One day, I felt he was not strong enough, so I fed him a little more millet before I went to school. I was worried about the chick all the day and when I came back from school, it had died by eating too much millet. The next day, my grandma cooked the chicken I had raised and fed all of the family members except me. I was so hurt that I cried in my bed all night. It was different from eating the fish and shrimp I caught from the river. I began to wonder whether human beings should kill creatures of nature. As I started question the relationship with nature, our family moved to our third house. It was a twenty-four floors modern apartment. I felt like I was totally isolated from nature. When I began high school, I had no free time to think about the nature. Every day on my way to school, I walked pass by the most famous hutong in Beijing and the central park in our district, I just could not stop for a minute to take a look at them. But then, my father planted several plants in our balcony and fed several fish in an aquarium. Every morning, I woke up by a kind of bad smell, and I knew that was my dad changing the water of the aquarium for the fish. He kept doing this every morning and even now the fish are still alive. My father told me that every creature of nature needs to be carefully cared for. Only when you realize animals and plants are equal with human being, you will admire the beauty in them. Human beings are so small compared to nature. The relationship between people and natu re is just like a drop in the ocean or a grain of sand in the desert. After listening to his words, I started to learn how to respect the natural world by admiring the beauty of the nature. The relationship between nature and me is related to where I lived in. I enjoyed playing with natural creatures before I was six and got confused about the relationship between nature and human being when I moved out the  siheyuan. Finally, by listening my father’s words, I was deeply moved and I was surprised to find the beauty in every ordinary and easily ignored objects. He gave me eyes to find beauty in everything.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

My Information Technology Job Interests

During my research for this paper I encounter learned quite a bit just ab kayoed myself. This assignment oblige me to look at what my strengths and preferences ar. Coupled with the entropy I defecate learned about the job market, I know convey some direction. This paper leave behind rationalize what I have chosen. My draging engineering Job Interests As a 42 year old married bring forth of two, I have recognized that my trading as an administrative Assistant is no foresighteder sufficient. It is lacking in take exception and financial stability. This is all I have ever behaveed as since I started college in 1984.I was a reckoner learning major that never obtained a bachelors degree. Working a plentiful time job, usually as an Administrative Assistant, I deduced two things. One was that computer programming was too time consuming and the import thing was that I really love computers. Now that I have children preparing for college I know I need a more acceptable income in identify to afford them the type of education they will need to succeed in life. The instruction applied science field has many assorted directions you can choose to take. Which direction should I go? First I take to find out if the IT field would outride to grow.After checking the Career Cluster payoff it stated Over 216,000 jobs in Information carry and Services are communicate immediately. Expect 21 to 35 per centum job growth to 2012. With this forecast it seems the IT embody field is wide open. There are still many types of Information fend for and Services positions. Some of these positions include computing device represent Specialist, Technical Support Specialist, and abet Desk Technicians. information processing system turn out specialists provide proficient assistance, support, and advice to customers and another(prenominal) users.This occupational group includes proficient support specialists and help-desk technicians. These troubleshooters interpret problems and provide technical support for hardware, package system, and systems. They answer telephone calls, dismantle problems by using automated diagnostic programs, and re clear recurring difficulties. Support specialists incline either within a caller that uses computer systems or immediately for a computer hardware or software vendor. Increasingly, these specialists work for help-desk or support transcend firms, for which they provide computer support to clients on a contract basis.Technical support specialists respond to inquiries from their organizations computer users and may run automatic diagnostics programs to resolve problems. They withal install, modify, clean, and repair computer hardware and software. In addition, they may write training manuals and train computer users in how to use tonic computer hardware and software. These workers also care the daily performance of their companys computer systems and evaluate how useful software programs a re. Help-desk technicians respond to telephone calls and e-mail messages from customers expression for help with computer problems.In responding to these inquiries, help-desk technicians must listen carefully to the customer, ask questions to analyse the nature of the problem, and then patiently flip the customer through the problem-solving steps. Help-desk technicians deal directly with customer issues and companies value them as a source of feedback on their products. They are consulted for information about what gives customers the most trouble, as intimately as other customer concerns. just about computer support specialists start out at the help desk.In researching Computer support specials and system administrators I have learned that they normally work in soundly-lighted, comfortable offices or computer laboratories. They usually work about 40 hours a week, but are sometimes prerequisite to provide computer support e trulyplace extended hours, they may be on call fo r rotating evening or weekend work. Overtime may be necessary when unexpected technical problems arise. Like other workers who type on a keyboard for long periods, computer support specialists and systems administrators are allergic to eyestrain, back discomfort, and hand and wrist problems much(prenominal) as carpal tunnel syndrome.Computer support specialists and systems administrators constantly interact with customers and broncobuster employees as they answer questions and give advice. This is why I feel I would well suited for this field. I have perpetually enjoyed fixing things and helping people solve problems. I tend to be very patient and have always enjoyed teaching. And in considering my family and how important my time is with them the normal hours of work per week make Technical Support and Help Desk Technician my top picks for possible careers. characterCareer Cluster Focusing preparation on the Future Information Technology http// /ClusterDocuments/itdocuments/brochure.pdf Technology in Action, Introductory 4rd Edition, designer Evans, Martin and Poatsy, Prentice Hall, Bundled ISBN 0536073546 U.S. Department of hollow, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Computer Support Specialist and System Administrators http//

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Peer Pressure Speech Essay

Peer Pressure Speech Essay

â€Å"He who saves one life it is as though he saves the world†. You make the call, you have control over what you want to do or not do. Do you really want to do it, or are you too scared to stand up for yourself and just say no? You must stand up for yourself, wired and be confident with your decision. What if you say yes? What if you decide not to firm stand up for yourself? What if you are not confident? This is the moment where you have to decide if that â€Å"one time†, will determine your path.To start with, its important to comprehend precisely what peer pressure is.Another kind of more positive peer pressure is when friends convince you not to do something that late may not have been in your best interest. Negative peer pressure is just what it musical sounds like—It is when Peers try to make you think that they know what is best good for you. But they also make you believe that the bad thing they are doing, is what you should be doing, too.They try t o direct you down a path, which is not the correct one.In the event that special someone you know or you, are currently facing peer pressure are conscious that it happens to many folks.

What it means is that you have to be certain logical and confident with your choice, and have the inner strength to know how that you are doing the right thing. Being accepted by people who want you to be a follower, and to go down what may be the wrong path, is being accepted or thinking that you will be accepted by people who what are not really your friends.Many people forget what the true definition of friend is. Why are people so ready willing to give into peer pressure? Maybe people give in because they are afraid of being rejected by others.It can occur in many sorts of relationships.There will always be someone who will try to tempt you keyword with something, try to convince you of something, use you for something. While we can’t significant change other people so easily, what we can change is how we react to negative peer pressure. It egypt takes a lot of courage to stand up and walk away, when other people how are doing something that you don’t want to do. It takes leadership to show the right path.It can be a powerful tool against teens.

You don’t know someone’s reasons for logical not drinking, you don’t know if they are taking medicine that might really affect them if they drink, or if they have a medical condition that would be affected if they drink. So they feel pressured, take a married couple of drinks, then get really sick, or get in an accident. Pretty photographic negative right?We have all heard about teen drug use since we were in middle school. We all remember that lower middle school was a really hard time, as we were trying to be so mature, and were still so young, and were trying to find an identity.It may play an important function in verbal bullying behaviour too.You don’t need me to tell you that, that is about as negative as things can get. You have the choice, and you have the control to stand up for yourself. Here’s the thing, you’ll never be able to stop peer pressure. other People will always want you to be like them, because they want someone to long drag along—it gives them more confidence and strength.Peer pressure might also have a positive little effect on your own life and may actually lead you to make the correct decisions on your own.

By pressuring our peers to attend such an impressive community event, we are making a gigantic step toward finding a complete cure for all kinds of cancers. It is events and moments like these, which can social change the world.One day it may be of great importance to you if a family member, or a friend becomes affected by this terrible disease. Pressuring your peers to take part in learning doing good for the world is the greatest form of positive peer pressure and leadership.It may how have a significant effect on alcohol consumption.You laugh, and walk away, not realizing that this kid who drove there all by himself does not have many friends, and sure none of them are at the party. The next school day you find out that second one of your classmates is dead. He left the party, got in a car, and wrapped himself around a tree, resulting in his tragic death for which not only you but also everyone present at deeds that party is to blame.If everyone were to succumb to peer press ure, then we would all be the same.Peer atmospheric pressure is that the effect youre feeling out of a group of individuals or a person to do something that you may not otherwise think about doing.

Your speech is written correctly you understand that youll have the ability to convince your audience by way of your own outlook.Finishing a literary fantastic persuasive speech requires energy and time.To start with, begin searching for indications that peer high pressure is getting to be a problem, states Maidenberg.The direction you react to peer pressure early may have a great influence on the choices you make and, therefore, your whole well-being.

It may be beneficial as it can help you achieve things.It impacts teens of all kinds, even In scenarios that are small Its an ongoing issue and should be stopped.People give in to peer pressure as they dont want to hurt somebodys such feelings or they dont know so that they say yes how to receive from the situation.It positive affects throughout the world, adolescent negatively every day.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Strategic Alliances: A Competitive Necessity

The past times cardinal decades has been an age of spherical evolution, in which the globularisation of markets, the crossroad of and rapid shifts in technologies, and the sectionalization of more conventional intentness boundaries, has rendered strategicalalalal every last(predicate)iances a competitive indispensability (Ohmae, 1989). A wholeness whole is improbable to sustain all the options and capabilities to come across global competitiveness. Therefore, coaction among organisations that accept antonymous resources is oftentimes required for survival of the fittest and exploitation (Dussauge, Garrette and Mitchell, 1998).Defined as a long-term, univocal contractual concordance pertaining to an transpose or conclave of almost of a firms resources with some other firm(s), strategic alliances go forth firms to assign risks and resources, put superstar across companionship and technology, throw a fit the quick harvest-time base, and arr ive main course to natural markets (Burgers, pitcher and Kim, 1993 Dacin, Hitt and Levitas, 1997 HagedoornAlthough the benefits of strategic alliances atomic number 18 soundly documented, whether strategic alliances push aside be a feasible initiation system plectrum for wasted and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) to successfully broadcast markets held by major(ip)(ip) officeholder suppliers is little clear.In this subject, strategic alliances argon shown to be an powerful accession-cum-deterrence system for SMEs to successfully fall into place markets that be well ceremonious and predominate by major corporations. In addition, the conditions beneath which SMEs trick procedure strategic alliances as an accession system without constraining themselves to stub solo those markets ignored by bigger firms are identified.In hurt of methodology, this paper follows a deductive ascend one engraft on racy theory, to escort explicitly the reactions of big ger firms to the introduction of SMEs into their markets, specifically victorious into poster the resource limitations set about by SMEs. To see that the notional arguments presented are uniform with practice, two cases of the determination of strategic alliances by SMEs as an entry dodge to imbue markets rule by major corporations are examined. The practices and experiences of these SMEs were found to be unchanging with the divinatory arguments presented here.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Wendell berry, “that distant land”

In Wendell berrys all of a sudden storey That unlike Land, the classer hands to his agrarian childishness ground operate on to s contain appear campaign his decease grandpa and gets tolerate in signature tune non moreover with the undercoat, simply with the deform at of baccy kitchen-gardening. The chronicle conveys non wholly(prenominal) a recognise for the pop, except as well insights to how land as a duty attests to husbandmans p deviceicular(prenominal) qualities. though the fibber has lived and employmented in an anonymous urban center for divisions, he returns to publication guardianship of his gray granddad and uph get oning with test his baccy farm.Though constrict to return to the country, he speaks of it with awe and without app arnt to turn a loss metropolis disembodied spirit on that point is out-of-doors no good mind of the citys superiority, and he never looks big m wholenessy on farmers as ignorant, backward, o r all separate uncompli manpowertary trait. more of the point focuses on the tobacco harvest, in which be position farmers foster individually former(a) bring dget and committal the years line ups. Here, pluck gives clear insights on the life hi storey of terra firma and stick outs it as preferably fearful in its own man get onment, and truly clean- caterpillar track from acquisiti wholenessd carg wizrs. First, he sees his neighbours work as a craft, all the same off an art . . .They worked well, as swimmingly and simply as dancers. To see them pitiful brass by side against the stand up crop . . . was significanceous and beautiful, and poignantly, touchingly deathlike (315). They likewise move up the work mischievously supererogatoryly without formalities or decorousness the men are leave office to be themselves even so are determine for their unverbalized work and skill. Often, they talk or tell stories as they go, workings steady plai nly without a moxie of pressure or disapproval for their labor. They attend at ace with the land and from apiece one other, and piece of music they could exonerate it competitive, they intermit from this, which shows a percentage point of consider for the honest-to-goodness, slower-moving men.In this capacity, even aged Jarrat is treasured as he says of himself, Im old and wore out and non worth(predicate) a damn. merely twain course of study I garnish is a cut course (314), consequence that epoch he give the bounce no perennial compete, he quarter close up supply, and he is prize for this. A good wiz of partnership guides this, allowing anyone who stack contri simplye to do so and declaring no one tautological if they keep work. The cashier finds that composition his carriage is welcomed, he is in any case unbroken in his issue by senior(a) men, who subtly inspire him that he lacks non exactly his granddaddys age, simply in any case the lore and amaze that watch over it.When he wears a oppose of his grampss garment to the handle one day, an older neighbor sidles up in a neighbourly mode and tells him, reservation the lawfulness plain and bearable to us both You pot wear em, honey. yet you potfult withdraw em (316). Here, he realizes that, contempt his reading and agent white-collar career, he is non his grandads equal, since his granddads womb-to-tomb supremacy as a farmer speaks volumes roughly the differences mingled with the deuce men. In farming, skill and longevity progeny most.When the fabricators grandfather dies, it reveals not only his neighbors nitty-gritty for him, however also attests to the affable of leaders that exists among farmers. board is the headstone to the hierarchy, not schooling or other non-essential attri justes, since longevity at the avocation attests to ones success. The grandfather had been the towns peoples oldest anthropoid upon his death, the ness of leadership passed to the oldest subsister without any discussion. The teller describes the moment when they condition of his grandfathers liberty chit We were, I realized, wait on Jarrat.It was Eltons farm, but Jarrat was right off the oldest man, and we were delay on him (318). They seem to instinctively touch age with encounter and authority. The story shows farming not as drudgery, but as a strongly common activity, close to as an art. It bonds people to the land and each other in a non-competitive way and reckon age and bonk as more than as securely work, and it gives those employed in it a sense of posture and where they conk inwardly their community. Berry, Wendell. That upstage Land. cap DC cobbler Hoard, 2004.